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寧瑪巴白玉傳承其中一位最年長的法主,土丹巴絨(圖松)法王已於2021年1月10日示現圓寂。圖松法王住於禪定中直至13日出定。其後法體按遍知阿格旺波之轉世,松吉澤仁仁波切的指示移送到白玉寺。荼毗法會將於2月3日,即藏曆12月21日舉行。我們誠心祈願法王早日乘願再來,繼續轉動法輪利益一切有情眾生。 One of the most senior lineage holders of the Palyul tradition, H.H. Tulku Thubten Palzang Rinpoche attained Mahaparinirvana on 10th January, 2021. His Holiness remained in meditative state until the 13th of January. After that, the holy body is taken to the Palyul monastery following the advice of H.H. Sangay Tsering Rinpoche, the Yangsi of Kuenkhen Ngagi Wangpo. The cremation ceremony will be held on the 3rd of Feb, which is on the 21st of the 12th month following the Tibetan lunar calendar. We sincerely pray for the swift rebirth of His Holiness so as to continue turning the wheel of Dharma to benefit all sentient beings.
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